Bring personality and build trust & confidence to your brand with engaging collateral that can be used on your website, be incorporated into a direct mailing campaign, or share with your audience on social media.
Successful Video
Bringing personality to your brand
With mobile devices, connectivity, and audience appetite fully attuned to moving pictures now, when someone needs to find something out these days the first thing they do is reach for their phone. The written word has its place, particularly for SEO, but the spoken word has gone into hyper drive. The combination of stories being played out in soundbite size makes for a brand-bonding experience. And when an individual bonds with a message, they often share and shout about it.
Building trust, confidence, and curiosity
But let’s face it, though informal home movies are one thing, brand-building engaging business video is another. A high resolution, high quality approach matters; how you capture and hold the audience’s attention will affect your brand. So for such a marketing tool to be of value it has to resonate with both visual and auditory senses, AND it has to stand out from the melee of your competitors as well.
Put simply, video can deliver a clear, concise, attention-grabbing, informative message that engages instantly. And it will do this by telling a story using complex material in a simple, easily assimilable way… But it has to be done well.
Plus it has to have a purpose
Regardless of whether the end product is to sit on your website, be incorporated into a direct mailing campaign, or target your audience on social media, your video has to have a goal. What are you trying to say? And what do you want your audience to do once they’ve got the right idea? Your key messages need to be introduced early, and then once they’ve been reinforced by your content, they must be repeated at the end.
If you’re keen to bring personality to your brand, connect meaningfully, and have engaging collateral that can be used in many ways, video is a great addition to your toolbox.
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Creatively use your logo, colours, and brand images to create an engaging animation that will keep your brand at the forefront.

Build confidence in your brand, attract new customers and inspire existing ones.

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